Financial Planning
Superannuation and SMSF

We work closely with you to put the strategies in place to secure your financial future through Superannuation. We look at your retirement goals, financial situation and risk profile to tailor a solution that’s right for you.
We can help you with:
The establishment of your Super fund
Borrowing to invest in property
Tax planning and tax minimisation
Life Insurance

Risk insurance forms a critical part of the financial planning process. It provides you with protection against the financial implications of an event such as death, disablement, serious illness or injury.
In the event that you suffer an illness or injury and are unable to work, income protection provides you with a monthly benefit of up to 75 per cent of your salary.
Life Insurance-helps alleviate the financial burden your family may be left with after your death. This is paid as a lump sum to your nominated beneficiaries to assist with medical costs, funeral expenses and help maintain your family’s lifestyle.
Total and permanent disability (TPD)-This provides a lump sum in the event of a total and permanent disability that prevents you from ever returning to work.
Trauma insurance-is paid as a lump sum upon diagnosis of an eligible condition (eg cancer, heart disease).

Wealth Management and Portfolio Construction
We have comprehensive understanding and expertise in bespoke portfolio construction, and we can provide both strategic and diversified asset allocation. We will provide you with tailored investment advice to help you achieve your financial goals. We can help to invest in but not limited to below asset classes:
· Managed Funds
· Direct Shares
· Bonds
· Term Deposit and other investment options;
· Borrow to Invest